Friday, May 05, 2006

Woo hoo! Friday!

First, I'd like to thank everybody for their expressions of sympathy regarding my toe. It was doing better, but then I managed to jam it again last night tripping over one of my son's toys. Now he copies me and goes around howling when he grazes his foot on anything. At least I didn't teach him any swear words when I did it.

By my lack of posting this week, you’d think that I type with my toes. Well, actually, I’ve been pretty busy at work.

Anyhoo, the big news today is that Porter Goss, the head of the CIA resigned today, effective immediately. This is huge, considering that he didn’t even cite “personal matters.” Hmmm. Makes ya wonder what he’s been up to. Perhaps some connection with the growing Duke Cunningham hookergate scandal?

What a week! Between Stephen Colbert giving Bush and the press a good smackdown on Saturday, and this resignation today, trouble is a brewing for the Republican criminal class.

Yeah, yeah, I’m too damn lazy right now to embed links into my post. Just Google the news, or go ahead and check out the links to other blogs on the sidebar, they’ve been covering all this stuff.

I've got so many half-written posts, it's ridiculous! I've gotta get on top of this. The news moves too fast.


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